Indigenous Values of Short Stories in Indonesian Fictional Prose in Higher Education: Implication on Language Education

Diah Eka Sari(1*), Sumiyadi Sumiyadi(2), Dadang Sunendar(3), Yeti Mulyati(4),

(1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia & Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia
(2) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
(3) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
(4) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author



This research was qualitative research that analyzed the concept of indigenous values in the short story "Rumah Amangboru" by Hasan Al Banna. The main aim of this research is to deepen the understanding of how local wisdom is reflected in the values, traditions and culture of the Batak people which form the background of the story. This research was carried out using a literary analysis approach by examining elements of local wisdom revealed in story narratives, such as respect for ancestors, the role of women in Batak society, and the relationship between humans and nature. The results of this research illustrate that local wisdom is not only an element of the story, but also reflects the depth of cultural wealth and traditional wisdom possessed by the community. In the short story "Amangboru Rumah", five values were found. First, religious value related to a concept of respect, Second, the value of local wisdom which is also related to natural phenomena that occur in a real and specific manner within the scope of society. Third, the value is found in the customs of the community which is associated with the value of art. Fourth, honoring the dead or what is known as non-religious social values. Fifth, the value of love for the country. This research contributes to the understanding of how literature can be a medium for celebrating and telling the story of a society's cultural heritage, as well as offering valuable insights for research on Indonesian culture and literature

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