Gender Effect in Using Strategies for Learning English Language: A Context of Aliya Madrasa Education in Bangladesh

Tasleem Ara Ashraf(1*),

(1) Stamford University Bangladesh
(*) Corresponding Author



Language learning strategies can be referred to a number of effective techniques, conscious behaviors or steps for proper acquisition of a second language. Several studies reported that females use more language learning strategies than males do, while some other research opined that there were no significant differences in the usage of learning strategies across genders. In Bangladesh, Aliya Madrasa students learn English language as a compulsory subject from Ebtedayi level that is equivalent to primary level and continues until Dakhil level which  is equivalent to secondary school certificate level. However, from the very recent report of BANBEIS and World Bank of 2015 it has been observed that the English language proficiency level of the students of  Aliya madaras  are far below the acceptable level. The English language proficiency of the female Aliya madrasa students are more disappointing. Therefore, the researcher endeavors to identify weather differences exist between male and female English language learners of Aliya Madrasa in using different strategies to learn a second language. This study was conducted through a questionnaire survey and telephone interviews in which  the researcher has made efforts to find out the various learning strategies applied by male and female learners ( at madrasa ) for successful acquisition of a second language. 160 learners of four different Aliya Madrasas participated in the study. Data were collected using a questionnaire adapted and modified from SILL (Oxford 1990) i.e., Strategy Inventory of language learning. Besides identifying the different kinds of strategies, the researcher also provides suggestions and recommendations for improving English language learning at Dakhil level, which will facilitate updating the education system in question and help the stakeholders to bring qualitative changes in the students’ learning outcome.


Language learning strategy (LLS) , Aliya Madrasa, gender effect, EFL Learners

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