Rational Value in the Identity Political Discourse of 2024 RI Presidential Candidates

Johar Amir(1*), Ambo Dalle(2),

(1) 1Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesian Language Education Study Program
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar, Foreign Language Education Study Program
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/eltww.v11i1.63653


In politics, discourse plays an important role as a stage for political actors to utilize language as a tool to build, reveal, or strengthen their power domination. Political discourse is a crucial element of political communication, providing a platform for political actors to utilize language to establish, reveal, or reinforce power dynamics. Repetition is a common feature in political discourse, often used by politicians to emphasize key messages and concepts. This research aims to identify and explore the various dimensions of identity politics, including social, ethnic, religious, professional, regional, gender, and cultural identities. This research will use the critical discourse analysis (AWK) method to process and analyze data. The type of research conducted is descriptive qualitative. The data to be analyzed are the campaign speeches of RI 2024 presidential candidates delivered in the form of language utterances, especially focusing on grammatical relational values that reflect identity politics, obtained from YouTube social media. The data source comes from the video of the campaign speech of the 2024 RI presidential candidate uploaded on the Kompastv account on YouTube. The data collection techniques to be used include documentation, listening technique, and note-taking technique. Through the use of command sentences, the speaker gives instructions to his supporters to perform certain actions and aims to influence the listeners' behavior and actions. Meanwhile, the use of statement sentences reinforces a clear and unequivocal message regarding the social relationship between the presidential candidate and his supporters, emphasizing commitment and continuity in the relationship. In addition, the use of relational modality creates an atmosphere of hope and belief in the positive outcome of the struggle and the desired change, strengthening the emotional attachment between the speaker and his supporters.


discourse analysis; relational value; imperative; declarative; modality

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