Increased Behavior of Students' Attitudes to Cultural Values Using the Inquiry Learning Model Assisted by Ethnoconstructivism

Syahrial Syahrial(1), Asrial Asrial(2*), Dwi Agus Kurniawan(3), Putut Nugroho(4), Retno Septiasari(5), Reza Aditya Pratama(6), Rahmat Perdana(7),

(1) Universitas Jambi
(2) Universitas Jambi
(3) Universitas Jambi
(4) Universitas Jambi
(5) Universitas Jambi
(6) Universitas Jambi
(7) Universitas Jambi
(*) Corresponding Author



Purpose: Student attitudes toward cultural values are needed in 21st century learning. Research with a focus on improving student attitudes towards cultural values using inquiry-based approaches. Therefore, this quasi-experimental quantitative research aims to improve student attitudes to the cultural values of elementary school teacher education students with an inquiry model assisted by the ethnoconstructivism module. Methodology: uses a quantitative design of quasi-experimental pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Where the number of all samples from this study were 86 elementary school teacher education students taken by purposive sampling technique. The experimental group (n = 43) was taught with the inquiry learning model assisted by the ethnoconstructivism module, while the control group (n = 43) was taught using traditional teaching modul. The data were then analyzed using the SPSS 21 application to find descriptive statistics and inferential static. Findings: There was a significant difference in the attitude of students between the control class and the experimental class. It was found that using ethnoconstructivism inquiry models obtained differences with t-test values 18,473 on student attitudes. It can be underlined that the inquiry model with ethnoconstructivism has a significant influence on student attitudes towards cultural values compared to conventional groups


Inquiry; Attitude; Cultural Values

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