Nisak Ruwah Ibnatur Husnul(1*), Vivi Iswanti Nursyirwan(2),

(2) Universitas Pamulang
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to produce gamification-based video assisted learning in basic statistics for deaf students whose validity and reliability have been tested. This research is a development research using the ADDIE model. The subjects in this study were 2 statistical material experts, 2 learning video media experts, 2 practitioners and 15 student responses. The data collection method used an instrument in the form of a rating scale with a gamification-based video-assisted learning validity assessment sheet. The data analysis technique used is the ADDIE method in development research. The data were analyzed using the mean formula to obtain the average score. The average score of material experts is 4.7, media expert is 4.6, practitioner response is 4.66, and response is great 4.72 students with an overall qualification of "very good" and the reliability test obtained results from material experts, namely 98.6%, media experts 96.3%, practitioners 92.9% and student responses 92.5% with overall qualifications "very high " This research produces gamification-based video assisted learning that has been tested for validity and reliability so that it is suitable for use in the learning process. The results of the scores of deaf students obtained an average of more than 80.


assisted learning, gamification, statistics, deaf student.

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