Pengembangan Perangkat Penilaian Kinerja pada Praktikum Titrasi Asam Basa SMK Kesehatan YKN Baubau

Nugerahwati Nugerahwati(1*), Muhammad Jasri Djangi(2), Muh. Yunus(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



This research is the development (Research and Development) with a limited trial, the aims of the research at developing and testing the performance assessment tools in the lab. The subjects were students of class XI Pharmacy Health SMK YKN Baubau the number of students were 20. Development models used in this study is the 4D model that includes four phases: definition phase (define), the planning stage (design), stage of development (develop), and the stage of the deployment phase (disseminate). The performance assessment tools in the lab have been developed, validated and revised so that the results obtained are eligible to be tested. The validity of assessment tools in the performance of experiment is divided into three aspects: cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects are valid. . The results of trials demonstrating the practicality of the device performance assessment based on the level ease of filling format in the performance assessment and response practicum teachers responded positively to the performance appraisal in the lab. The feasibility assessment results in the category of performance appraisal carried out entirely. This suggests that effectively performance assessment tools for use in chemical lab.


research and development, Devise Performence Assesment in Practice

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