Irmayanti Irmayanti(1*),

(1) UNM
(*) Corresponding Author



In order to overcome students’ problems in understanding the subject, particulary Mathematics, capable assistance is needed. In this case, scaffolding is needed to be given to students according to their needs. This study examines students’ thinking process in understanding integers by giving scaffolding to class VI SD Inpres Perumnas Antang I. The study aims at examining the students’ thinking process in understanding integers by giving scaffolding to class VI SD inpres Perumnas Antang I. The type of this study is qualitative-deskriptive-explorative research. The research is the main instrument guided by understanding integers test anda valid interview guideline. Data were collected by giving understanding integers test and interview. The subjects of the study were six students of grade VI at SD Inpres Perumnas Antang I who had obtained integers material, those were two students with high ability, two students with medium ability, and two students with low ability. The research process was conducted in several steps: (a) formulating understanding indicator, (b) formulating the instrument, (c) taking research subjects, (d) collecting data of students’ thinking process in understanding integers by scaffolding, (e) conducting source triangulation to obtain valid data, (f) conducting data analysis, and (g) drawing conclusion of the result of the research. The research discovered that the thinking process in understanding integers had differences on each subject and in general the integers material obtained were processed and kept and would be retake even developed by giving scaffolding. The problem in stating integers concept, presenting the concept in a form of mathematics representation and implementing integers concept experienced by students with high, medium, and low ability in mathematics. The scaffolding given was various based on the problem of each subject in understanding integers. The lower mathematics ability of the subject, the more type of scaffolding were given


thinking process, understanding, integers, scaffolding

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Magister Program of Mathematics Education

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