Penerapan Strategi Pembelajaran Peta Konsep pada Model Cooperative Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X MIA 2 MAN 1 Makassar

Ismunandar Ismunandar(1*), Sumiati Side(2), Netti Herawati(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



This research is a classroom action research (CAR), which aims to improve the results of class X student MIA 2 MAN 1 Makassar through the implement the strategy’s steps of concept map on the model of cooperative learning. This research was conducted in two cycles. Research data shows the strategy's steps of concept maps on cooperative learning model is applied so as to improve the learning outcomes of class X MIA 2 MAN 1 Makassar. The steps are:(1) deliver learning objectives, apperception, and motivate students, (2) students answered questions related apperception and record the learning objectives, (3) the student read the book with chemical bonding material for 15 minutes, (4) teacher explains the material and provide an explanation of chemical bonding concept map learning strategy and appoint students to respond, (5) teachers divide the students into groups of 4-5 people, (6) the teacher asks for a discussion to discover the concepts and to be a concept map, (7) calls each representative group to presentation the results of group discussion and asks for feedback from the other group, (8) provides students with test evaluations at the end of the cycle. (9) Asking the students to conclude the subject matter by pointing directly then reward individuals and groups. The percentage increase in student learning outcomes can be seen from the increasing percentage of completeness class of the first cycle that 74.36% to 87.18% in the second cycle.


Cooperative Learning, Concept Map, students’ Learning outcomes, Chemical bonding

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