Penerapan Model Pembelajaran POE (Prediction, Obeservation, and Explanation) untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Peserta Didik Kelas XI MS6 SMAN 3 Lau Maros (Studi Pada Materi Pokok Asam-Basa)

Fitriani Fitriani(1*), Halimah Hussain(2), Moh. Wijaya(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



Classroom Action Research (CAR) aims to implement measures POE learning models that increase the motivation of learners in class XI MS6 SMAN 3 Lau Maros. In general, there are four stages of CAR, namely (1) planning, (2) action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. This study was conducted by two cycles. Data results showed that the application of measures POE learning model can improve the motivation of learners Class XI MS 6 SMAN 3 Lau Maros which consists of three main steps: (1) prediction phase, the group of learners do not change so as not to have to adapt again to the friend group; (2) Provide duty learners to make a summary of the material before entering the study with hand written; (3) Phase observation, gave a brief in gon safety in the laboratory so that learners do not misuse the tools or materials in laboratory experiments and follow work procedures; (4) Phase explanation, pointing learners at random from each group to do his work in front of the class and provides conclusions from the material that has been studied. Motivation of learners first cycle as much as 25.53% is very high category, 70.59% higher category.Motivation learners second cycle as much as 52.94% is very high category, 41.18% higher category.The motivation of learners after implementing measures POE learning models increased from cycle I to cycle II.


POE, the motivation of learners, acid-base solution

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