Correlation of Interest in Learning Against Learning Outcomes in Student Athletics Courses at FIK UNM.

Muhammad Kamal(1*), Iskandar Iskandar(2), Hasbi Asyhari(3),

(1) Makassar Public University
(2) Makassar Public University
(3) Makassar Public University
(*) Corresponding Author



The objectives to be achieved in this research are; To find out whether there is a relationship between learning interest and the achievement of the final results of the Athletics course for Health and Recreation Physical Education students, Faculty of Sports Science, Makassar State University. The population of this study were all 360 PJKR FIK UNM students in the even semester of the 2022 academic year. The sample was taken in this study using porpusive sampling, namely class B students who were temporarily programming Advanced Athletics courses totaling 30 students. This type of research includes descriptive research with correlational research. The variables of this study consist of interest in learning as the independent variable and the achievement of the final results of the Athletics course as the dependent variable. Data collection techniques using questionnaire techniques, athletic ability tests, and documentation. After all research data was collected, the data were analyzed using percentage descriptive analysis and correlation analysis using computer facilities through the SPSS program application. The results showed that: There is a significant relationship between learning interest and the achievement of the final results of the FIK UNM Athletics course. FIK UNM students' interest in learning is in the moderate category because it is supported by several factors including; the student attention factor with a percentage of 34.95%, followed by a student interest factor of 31.97%, and finally the student needs factor with a percentage of 33.07%. As for the achievement of the final results of the Athletics course for FIK UNM students, it was found that 46.6% or as many as 14 students had achieved the final results of the Athletics course in the high category, 33.3% or 10 people in the medium category, and 20% or 6 people in low category.


Interest; Learning; Results;.

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