Elong sagala of ma’bakkang ritual i Gattareng Matinggi: semiotic riview of Rifaterre

Nurfandiati Nurfandiati(1*), Azis Azis(2), Suarni Syam Saguni(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Elong sagala of ma’bakkang ritual i Gattareng Matinggi: semiotic riview of Rifaterre. Thesis of Regional Language and Literature Department, Makassar State University. The data in this study is the elong sagala text contained in the ma'bakkang ritual in Gattareng Matinggi village using Riffaterre's semiotic theory based on heuristic and hermeneutic reading as a scalpel to find out the meaning of language and literary conventions. This research is qualitative. This study uses data analysis techniques, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and then drawing conclusions. The object of this research is the elong sagala text of ma'bakkang ritual in Gattareng Matinggi village which is analyzed based on the heuristic and hermeneutic readings of Riffaterre's semiotic theory. The results of the analysis based on heuristic readings found that elong sagala text data was not linguistically structured, there were words that did not have a literal meaning, used many repetitions in each stanza, and used a lot of metaphors. Then the meaning based on Elong sagala hermeneutic reading, namely based on the literary convention of the elong sagala text, it was found that the Gattareng Matinggi community lived side by side with Islamic religious beliefs and adhered to animism. Then the elong text describes a situation filled with suffering, fear, anxiety, and hope. Based on the results of the analysis of the text of elong sagala revealed that elong sagala is a spell to prevent smallpox. A disease that usually affects children.


Meaning of Elong Sagala, Ma'bakkang Ritual, Riffaterre, Heuristics, and Hermeneutics

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Copyright (c) 2021 Nurfandiati Nurfandiati, Azis Azis, Suarni Syam Saguni

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Department of Indonesian Language, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar in cooperate with Asosiasi Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (ADOBSI) and Ikatan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (IKAPROBSI). 

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