Conflict Resolution: The Case of Fulani Herders Versus Native Farmers in Nigeria

Ameh A Ejeh(1*),

(1) Benue State University
(*) Corresponding Author


More than ever before in the history of Nigeria, the need and urgency for conflict resolution have become crucial, especially in the interaction between Fulani herders and native farmers, who, as far as Nigerian society is concerned, must develop a symbiotic relationship for a harmonious and peaceful co-existence. Because it has become abundantly clear that we do not need the model of rocket science analysis to know that the way forward is not open grazing but Ranching, which is the preferred method and common practise of animal husbandry today in civilised societies around the world, It is the identification of these strategies for harmonious and peaceful co-existence through symbiotic relationships that is the objective of this paper. By using historical and analytical methods and drawing on both primary and secondary sources, the paper will critique the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari and identify the negative principles and policies therein that are inimical to peaceful and harmonious relationships in Nigeria. As President Muhammadu prepares to leave Office, these areas need to be highlighted and brought into greater focus. The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari is used here, therefore, more like a case study of the absence of fruitful dialogue, which must, as a matter of urgency, be constituted and employed to stem the tide of gradual degradation and possible devolution of our country, Nigeria, and bring the country back on track for harmonious and peaceful co-existence.


Conflict Resolution; Symbiotic Relationship; Peaceful Co-existence; Fruitful Dialogue; Fulani Herders

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