Language Awareness, Writing Self Efficacy and Writing Performance in English Major University Students: Think Aloud Protocol

Fatma Sari(1*), Murni Mahmud(2), Asfah Rahman(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Writing is a complex skill that develops over time through interaction hence it raised a unique set of issues for example language awareness and self- efficacy for writing entrenched the reason the researcher intended to gain the information among them and how the respondents did language awareness on their writings by applying think aloud protocol. This Study employed mix method where the researcher combined between qualitative and quantitative research. Purposive sampling was chosen for deciding the respondent then they were given questionnaire about self-efficacy (i.e., ideation, convention, self-regulation). Three respondents were selected who got the highest, midst, and the lowest score. The respondents were asked to write 2 texts by applying think aloud protocol during the writing and it was recorded. The results of the writings were checked to see the relation between the language awareness and the self-efficacy analyzed by Pearson correlation and multiple correlation. The researcher discovered several styles how respondents revealed language awareness on their writing by applying think aloud protocol. The relation between language awareness and students’ writing showed positive correlation while negative correlation between self-efficacy and students’ writing, yet when they came together between language awareness, self-efficacy and student’s writing, the R square presented strong relation among the three variables.


writing; language awareness; self-efficacy; think aloud protocol

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