Information For Librarians

For Librarians

Welcome to the Jurnal Sains dan Pendidikan Fisika (JSPF)!

We highly appreciate the crucial role librarians play in supporting access and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Here is specific information for you:

Collection Guidance:

JSPF offers a variety of current articles and research that can enrich your library's collection. Explore and select articles that align with the needs and interests of your library users.

Institutional Access:

With an open-access policy, all content in JSPF can be accessed free of charge. Ensure to leverage this access and provide maximum accessibility to members of the academic community at your institution.

Notifications and Subscriptions:

Subscribing to the journal's newsletter or update notifications will help keep you informed about new content additions. We offer special subscription options for libraries and provide up-to-date information on the latest developments.

Educational Resources:

This service may offer educational support materials that can be used to enhance information literacy among students and researchers. Discover guides, infographics, or other educational materials that can assist your users.

Technical Assistance:

We understand that the integrity of your collection is crucial. If you encounter technical issues or have questions related to integration with the library system, our technical support team is ready to assist. Contact us at [email protected] for assistance.

Recognition and Credit:

We appreciate libraries that contribute significantly to the use of JSPF. If your library makes a substantial contribution, let us know, and we will gladly provide credit or acknowledgment accordingly.

Thank you for your dedication to facilitating access to scientific knowledge. If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us. We hope JSPF becomes a valuable resource for your library's collection.

Best regards,
JSPF Editorial Team