Pengaruh Bahan Ajar Berbasis Dora (Dongeng Nusantara) Terhadap Kemampuan Memahami Isi Cerita

Rosmalah Rosmalah(1*), Rukayah Rukayah(2), Ichlasul Amal(3),

(*) Corresponding Author



The research is a quantitative research with a quasi experimental design which aims to determine or not there is a significant impacts on the use of teaching materials on the ability to understand the content of stories. The population of class III students at SDN 22 Jeppe’e totaling 49 students. This research uses a saturated sampling technique. The data anlysis techinque uses statistic descriptive and statistic inferential anlysis. The results of this research are: 1) There is difference in the ability to understand the content of students stories between the experimental class and the control class, where the result of the ability to understand the content of students stories in the experimenta; class are higer than those in the control class, 2) There is a significant impacts of the use of DORA based learning teaching materials on their ability, understand the content of students stories.


Teaching material; DORA; Stories.

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