Literasi Digital Melalui Penggunaan Media Google Play Books Pada Mahasiswa

Luluk Asmawati(1*),

(1) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
(*) Corresponding Author


The objectives of this study are: (1) knowing students' digital literacy skills, (2) students' skills using google play books media for Children's Education in Families lectures. Research methods using surveys. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The findings of the study: (1) digital literacy skills on the criteria both on the aspects of confidence and responsibility and communicative; digital literacy skills on sufficient criteria on aspects of social culture, digital literacy knowledge, constructive, creative, critical, collaboration; (2) the use of google play books media on the criteria both on the aspects of data archiving skills, indexation, downloading, copying, printing, and payment of online book purchases. Conclusion: (1) students' digital literacy skills are sufficient, (2) skills using google play books application media are good.

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