Implementing Joint Rewriting using Logistics Text for Informatics Engineering Students in a Polytechnic in Bandung, Indonesia

Widia Resdiana(1*),

(*) Corresponding Author


The study was to implement Reading to Learn Program using Logistics Texts for Diploma 3 students of Informatics Engineering Study Program in a polytechnic in Bandung, Indonesia. One of the purposes of the study was to see the students’ responses toward the activities in the program cycles, one of which was the Joint Rewriting. The paper aims to explain in details and step by step Joint Rewriting, one of the activities in the program cycle, and focuses on how the scaffolding learning cycle was implemented. Furthermore, another aim of the paper is to show clearly the implication of the scaffolding theory, which one of the fundamental theories lies behind the study, on reading and writing activities. The theoretical framework of the study is based on theory of Bruner’s Scaffolding, developed by David Rose (2006), Genre Based Approach, and the theory of social psychology learning from Vygotsky, where teachers are as the foundation of learning until students can independently learn in the end. The paper qualitatively explains the method of teaching writing using Interaction Moves (Rose, 2008), where the data came from classroom discourses and observations. The results show that the prepare interaction moves in classroom enabled students to comprehend step by step how to write new text in Joint Rewriting Cycle, to understand the logistics texts contextually, and to produce new texts together based on the model texts.

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