Design and Development of English Instructional Material Based on CAI Model at Economics Faculty

Hastini Hastini(1*),

(1) Tadulako University
(*) Corresponding Author


The method used in this study is Research and Development (R&D) with five design phases. The research objective is designing English material and developing English instructional material to increase students’ English proficiency at Economics faculty through Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) model. The result of study shows that students' English proficiency in accounting and management departments can be significantly increased by applying CAI based material design with 86% of accounting students obtained 84%of the total 95 students who took the test obtained a complete score with mean 80.92 or B+. The total accounting department students were 28 who obtained score 75 was 27 students in which 8 of them obtained equal and higher than score 86. The management students were 32 students who obtained score 75 was 29 students in which 11 of them obtained equal and higher than score 86. Meanwhile, the development study students were 35 students who obtained score 75 was 31 students in which 5 of them obtained equal and higher than score 86. This result of analysis is in line with the results of the students’ needs (wants) in English learning by analyzing the students’ response on questionnaire, there were 79% of accounting department students responded positively to the material application, 69% of management students, and 71% of development study students. All categories are good to very good. It isconcluded that CAI model based English instructional material could increase the students’ English proficiency at economics faculty.

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