Agussalim Djirong(1*), Faizal Erlangga Makawi(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



This research aims to implement artificial intelligence (AI) in interior and exterior design course. The development of AI-based interior and exterior design learning is crucial in preparing Visual Arts Education students to cope with the demands of an increasingly complex industry. The research method used is the evaluative method, evaluating the practicality of implementing AI in interior and exterior design learning. The research was conducted with Visual Arts Education students at the Faculty of Arts and Design, Universitas Negeri Makassar, who commence in 2021. The results of the research indicate that: (1) the application of AI in Visual Arts Education students' learning process shows highly satisfactory results; (2) the development of AI-based learning methods enhances creativity, aesthetics, and interaction among students. The Visual Arts Education students have significant potential in the creative and design industry, which demands excellent skills and competencies, particularly in interior and exterior design. This research is expected to improve the quality of Visual Arts Education course at the Faculty of Arts and Design, Universitas Negeri Makassar, specifically in the field of interior and exterior design, thus producing quality graduates ready to compete in the global world.



Artificial Intelligence, Interior and Exterior Design, Development.

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