Peran Perempuan Pesisir dalam Pengeloaan Sampah Plastik Bernilai Ekonomis di Tanjung Merdeka, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

Risma Haris(1*), Andi Hafidah(2), Herawati Herawati(3), Sartika Sartika(4),

(1) Universitas Indonesia Timur
(2) Universitas Indonesia Timur
(3) Universitas Indonesia Timur
(4) Universitas Indonesia Timur
(*) Corresponding Author


According to the 2018 International Coastal Cleanup report, cigarette butts took the first place with a total of 2,412,151. While the rest is food packaging waste and plastic waste in the form of drink bottles, crackle bags, plastic straws, plastic containers, plastic drink lids and Styrofoam. The purpose of holding plastic waste management activities to reduce the dominant pile of waste is plastic waste, therefore there must be plastic waste management so that the pile of garbage can be slightly reduced. This activity was carried out for 1 week, on May 26 - June 2, 2022 at LPM Tanjung Mardeka Village, Tamalate District, Makassar City. Demonstrating household plastic waste management using the Ecobrick method. provide knowledge to the public about the difficulty of biodegrading plastic waste and the impact when destroying it by burning. The impact and benefits of this activity are increasing knowledge about plastic waste so that people can minimize its use and recycle it again with the ecobrick method so that coastal communities can participate in saving the earth.


Coastal Women, Plastic Waste

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