Pemanfaatan buah lontar untuk pengembangan kewirausahaan berbasis ecopreneurship melalui home industry pada ibu-ibu PKK di Makassar

Jokebet Saludung(1*), Muhammad Yahya(2),

(1) Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Teknik Otomotif, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This Community Partnership Program (PKM) is
implemented in 2018 in Tidung village by applying the results
of research in 2017. The aim is to provide training to the
community to make bluders cake, mabel and pudding using
lontar (palmyra fruit or talak) as the main ingredients with the
intention that the community got the skills to be independent
to make home industry products to increase family income.
Lontar is available on their neighbourhood but it is wasted in
its season and the price is very cheap because the community
does not know its benefit and nutritional content. Therefore,
after being examined, the results must be trained in the
community partnership program to disseminate its use to be
favored by the community and increase the selling value and
economic value of lontar. Previous research results indicate
that the cake is very popular because it is worthy of being
applied in this PKM. The training went very well, the results
were also very maximum and the products were liked by
women of Family Welfare Empowerment as the trainees in thi
PKM. They are enthusiastic in making talak pudding, talak
bluder, and mabel talak. The training involved 31 women of
Family Welfare Empowerment which was originally planned
for 20 people. After the training, they were given the
opportunity to work in groups to make products. After the
results were evaluated it turned out that they had tried to make
it themselves. The obstacles found were the need for capital
assistance and tools for entrepreneurship. This still needs help
from the local government or investors who want to help the
community to do entrepreneurship.

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