Memberdayakan Guru Sekolah Dasar menulis karya tulis ilmiah di Kabupaten Bone

Abd. Hafid(1*), Rosmalah Rosmalah(2),

(1) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The Elementary Teacher is providing services to
students to develop students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
Besides those three aspects, teachers are also required to
improve their career by increasing their academic promotion
starting from the level of Lector or First Class Junior
Superintendent (III/b). There are requirements that must be
fulfilled in order to go to the next level of promotion for
teachers. One of them is able to show physical evidence in the
form of Scientific Paper (KTI). The KTI type must be a result
of Classroom Action Research (PTK) and articles. According
to the Head of UPTD Dua Boccoe, one of the factors
inhibiting the increased of teachers’ level is the KTI
requirement. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct a KTI
training by collaborating with PGSD Lecturers at VI Campus
of UNM Bone in the form of PKM by using the workshop
method. The objectives of this activity were (1) to provide
knowledge for Dua Boccoe Elementary School teachers to
write research articles and (2) Provide writing skills, including
articles and non-research articles for teachers of UPTD
Elementary School, Dua Boccoe Regency. The method used
was a workshop strategy with lecture, question and answer
techniques which aimed at providing KTI mastery and
assignment methods for writing a draft and KTI development.
The results of the KTI workshop activities showed that 20
participants in PKM had mastered KTI knowledge and were
able to make KTI in the form of research articles in the ‘good'

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