Pelatihan metode membaca Al-Qur’an berbasis Qiraah Asy-Syafi’i bagi Mahasiswa FIK UNM

Muhammadong Muhammadong(1*), Arifuddin Usman(2), Hasbi Ansyari(3),

(1) Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Penjaskesrek, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The aim to be achieved in this program was to provide
training to FIK students about the qiraah-based reading method
of Al-qur'an. Therefore, if the students finish their study, they
can implement their knowledge about Qur’an in the community.
Basically, religious study groups at the Faculty of Sport
Sciences, UNM already understand the Qur'an. However, the
training was still needed to be done in order to deepen the
methods used so the students could be better master the contents
of the Al-Qur'an. The specific target to be achieved in this
training program was the students could find out about Al-Qur'an
reading so that they could read Al-Qur'an well and could
implement it in the community. The method used in this training
included: 1. Harfiyyah Method, where the teacher started the
lesson by teaching hija'iyyah letters one by one, 2. Sautiyyah
method. In this method the letters were taught to students as the
order. This teaching began by teaching the letters of fathah, then
the letters with dhammmah, the letters with kasrah and sukun.
After that, then move on to the letter lesson based on Fathatani
Tanwan, 3. Syllable method. In this method students first learned
syllables, then learned words made up of these syllables. Before
teaching syllables, the students should be taught about mad
letters, 4. The Word Method. This word method has a
psychological foundation that assumes that students know things
that are common first, then develops to know the parts of the
general. The proposed activity plan consisted of two main
activities, namely (1) Training activities: this activity is carried
out by providing material on the qiraah-based Al-Qur'an reading
method so that students can understand how to read the Qur'an
well; (2) Skill Activity: this activity is done by practicing reading
the Qur'an so that the students can practice the Qur'an reading
well and they can implement it to the community.

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