Pelatihan kewirausahaan untuk menjaga mutu mie kering ebi dengan berbagai kemasan dan pelabelan di Kabupaten Takalar

Diyahwati Diyahwati(1*), Amirah Mustarin(2), Muhammad Wiharto(3),

(1) Pendidikan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Pendidikan Teknologi Pertanian, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Biologi, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Dried prawn noodles is one of the foods that is
favored by Indonesian people since the taste is crunchy and
tasty, healthy, and it can be used as a souvenir. Dried prawn
noodles have a long shelf life, but they are hygroscopic so they
are easily damaged and the additional protection is needed.
Most of home industries, including dried prawn noodles
industries in the Sandrobone District, Takalar, generally do not
conduct a good way of packing. Thus, the noodles are easily
damaged and lose its taste. The aim of implementing the
Community Partnership Program in packaging and labeling of
dried prawn noodles was to improve the knowledge and skills
of participants in the Sanrobone District of Takalar Regency.
The activities included: (1) Implementation of the Community
Partnership Program in the Sanrobone District on packaging
and labeling training of dried prawn noodles was an effective
and efficient way to introduce dried prawn noodle products,
especially for the new entrepreneurs; (2) This training as part
of the Community Partnership Program was not only
increasing participants’ knowledge, but also could improve the
skills of participants in choosing the type of packaging that
was suitable for dried prawn noodles and the participants able
to make their own product labels; (3) This packaging and
labeling training of dried prawn noodles was supported by the
people in the Sanrobone District. It was evidenced by the
ratings obtained from questionnaires. The average score was
3.49 or categorized as good.

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