PKM Bagi Kelompok Pemuda Desa Belabori Pada Pembuatan Patok Beton Abu Sekam Padi

Irma Aswani Ahmad(1*), M. Ichsan Ali(2), Anas Arfandi(3), Dwi Wahyuni Aprianti(4),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(4) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


This Community Partnership Program (PKM) partner is a youth from Belabori village, Parangloe District, Gowa Regency. The problem is that the rapid clearing of land to be converted into property in the form of plots and housing requires a lot of stakes from concrete that last a long time, but the price is quite expensive to make it less expensive to buy concrete pegs, even though in the Parangloe area itself there is a rice mill that produces a lot of leather. dry rice which can be used as an additional material to replace cement. Therefore, village youths need to be equipped with knowledge on how to make concrete stakes from rice husk ash. The methods to be used are mentoring methods and participatory rural approach (PRA) methods. The mentoring method is carried out to change the paradigm of people's thinking in utilizing dry rice bran and rice husk ash as additional materials for making reinforced concrete stakes. The PRA method is carried out to generate a sense of belonging to partners for the products to be developed, and a sense of responsibility of partners towards the products and the environment around them. The main methods used in the Community Partnership Program (PKM) activities are lectures, discussions, questions and answers, and simulations. The result that has been achieved is the husk ash which has been used only for the manufacture of salted eggs and for cleaning cooking utensils, so now it can be used as a raw material which has quite high economic value.

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