PKM Pelatihan Manajemen Keuangan

Anwar Ramli(1*), Muh. Jamil(2), Yusri Karmila(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. The BMT Insan Mandiri Savings and Loans Cooperative needs to be carried out in a systematic, integrated and sustainable financial management training regarding the financial performance of cooperatives. BMT Insan Mandiri Savings and Loans Cooperative is able to understand the mastery of financial management which includes management functions, at least 1) planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling; 2) Fundraising activities are managing activities to obtain funds / capital, both from inside and outside the cooperative; 3) The activity of using funds is an activity to allocate or invest capital, either in the form of working capital or fixed asset investment, in this case the Chairman, Staff, Members, Managers and Supervisors of Cooperatives. The main problem or priority that must be addressed is financial management training is an effective way to help improve financial performance for cooperatives. Overall, the training participants already know / understand financial management, compile financial reports, and analyze financial ratios. Of the 30 participants, 100% of the BMT Insan Mandiri Savings and Loans Cooperative who present were able to complete the preparation of financial reports and analyze financial ratios, but data interpretation still reached 85%.

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