PKM pelatihan penerapan konseling naratif bagi Guru BK di Kabupaten Pinrang

Abdullah Sinring(1*), Muhammad Anas(2),

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The purpose of this activity is to understand the material concepts and nature of Narrative Counseling and be able to apply narrative counseling steps. In general, the method used in this activity was in the form of training of counseling guidance teachers at MGBK Pinrang Regency. The training activities began with the provision of material to improve teacher understanding of narrative counseling in schools. After giving the material, the teachers apply the material obtained, which is guided by the PKM team, given examples, and given feedback then monitoring and mentoring. The implementation of this narrative counseling training took place for one day on June 21, 2019 at SMAN 4 Pinrang Building. Followed by 47 people from BK counseling teachers in Pinrang Regency. Presentation of material The narrative counseling training was opened by the Chairperson of PC Abkin Pinrang, and to the Education Office of Pinrang Regency. Participants became more enthusiastic in the training when the core material was the concept of narrative counseling and the implementation of narrative counseling. At the end of the session the PKM team gave Ice Breaking as expected by the participants of the narrative counseling training. Before closing the IbM team gave a reflection in the form of questions and answers to see their responses related to the narrative counseling training activities provided. In addition to knowing the data on the results of understanding and knowledge through the application of narrative counseling to participants, the results of the questionnaire analysis test are free test and posttest. the results of filling out the questionnaire had a significant effect on increasing participants' understanding and knowledge. We can describe the percentage of the results of this activity: from the analysis results there is a mean score of handling narrative counseling before training that is 23.12 and the mean value after training is 63.06, so there is a difference in score scores before and after narrative counseling training by 39.94, increasing the percentage the average score of Participants before and after narrative counseling training was 60%. This increase shows that there are significant differences in the understanding and knowledge of BK teachers in Pinrang district, and this makes a positive contribution in dealing with problems handled through narrative counseling.

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