Pemanfaatan tanaman toga untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup sehat di Desa Damai Kecamatan Watang Sidenreng Kabupaten Sidrap

Muh. Said Hasan(1*),

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Damai Village is a sub-district of Watang Sidenreng, a village with a tropical climate like other villages in Indonesia with two seasons, the dry season and the rainy season. Climate also has a direct effect on cropping patterns in peaceful villages. Utilization of medicinal plants in Indonesia is increasing from time to time both by small and large industries. this requires cultivation efforts. Medicinal plants must be produced naturally or environmentally friendly, must be free of chemicals so that the cultivation must also be organic. Medicinal plants are more nutritious if used fresh. To avoid the negative consequences of using medicinal plants for sufferers of disease, the selection of types and ingredients of medicinal plants must be good and correct according to indications of disease. the problems faced are: 1) the lack of extensive use of fertile land by the community 2). Cultivate and utilize existing local potentials, 3) limited knowledge & skills, 4) natural vegetation, 5) lack of skills possessed by school dropouts. Based on this basis, the KKN-PPM was agreed to be implemented in 2018. The purpose of the activity is the utilization of the potential of the Toga plant which will fill, fulfill most of the remaining land / yard at home which will become a living pharmacy that has a very large benefit and allotment for the fulfillment of preventive (preventive), promotive (increasing health) and curative (treatment) measures. use a portion of land to be planted with efficacious toga plants as traditional medicines that can be used to treat various diseases, has a greater efficiency if it can be utilized as a living pharmacy by utilizing a piece of land left over in the yard, with this KKN-PPM is expected to improve the quality of a healthy life and people's income will increase. The methods used are training, mentoring, lecturing, practice and demonstration. The KKN-PPM activities also involve partner institutions, community traditional medicine health centers, the Local Government of Sidrap Regency and community leaders in Watang Sidenreng District, Damai Village. The number of students involved was 60 people with varied disciplines.


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