Meningkatkan kualitas air dan lingkungan di Desa Tadampalie Kabupaten Wajo

Muh. Ichsan Ali(1*), Taufiq Natsir(2),

(1) Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


The problem faced by the community in the village of Tadampalie at the moment is that well water in the housing environment of residents does not meet the requirements as drinking water, which is very physically cloudy containing soil elements in the rainy season with high iron and manganese content. In addition, river water that is taken directly through a pipe connection is also turbid and has not been through a purification filter. The community takes river water for household consumption only to be accommodated and deposited which will be used for various household needs such as drinking, bathing, washing and other needs. The limited supply of clean water that meets health requirements, both physically, biologically and chemically shows that there is a need for appropriate technology to treat water that is adapted to environmental conditions. For this reason, it is hoped that through the Community Partnership Program activities, there will be an increase in community knowledge about water treatment techniques that are not suitable for use, namely by creating a clean water treatment system.

The method of approach that will be used in the form of counseling, workshops and guidance / assistance. Thus the outputs of science and technology for the community are (1) Water treatment techniques or methods that are safe, easy and inexpensive. (2) Water treatment equipment for household scale with a capacity of 500 liters, (3) Environmental friendly septic tank / infiltration model, (4) Published articles.

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