Uji Validitas Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Discovery Learning untuk Siswa SMAN pada Konsep Sistem Pencernaan

Hasrawati Hasrawati(1*), Adnan Adnan(2), Hartati Hartati(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: This study aims to produce a student worksheet (LKPD) based on Discovery Learning (DL) that is valid on the concept of the digestive system. The development model used is a four-D model consisting of four stage, namely: (1) Define, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) Disseminate. This article is limited to the development secion, especially the validity test. Validity test data obtained from the results of validation. To test the validity of LKPD instrument sheets are used, the instrument used is the LKPD validation instrument and data collected from the results of the LKPD validation. LKPD validation is based on three aspects, namely: (1) aspect of LKPD presentation, (2) aspect of content eligibility, (3) aspect of language. The results of the validator assessment for LKPD based on discovery learning that was assessed from the: (1) aspect of presentation of the LKPD obtained an average 4,30 which is in the valid category, and (2) aspect of content eligibility get an average 4,00 which is in the valid category, and (3) aspect of language get n average 4,25 which is in the valid category. Of the tree aspect LKPD assessment, it is obtained that the average 0f 4,18 is in the valid category. Validation results show that LKPD based on discovery learning developed is valid and feasible to use.   Keywords: student worksheet, discovery learnin

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