Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inquiry Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Kelas X1 SMAN 8 Bulukumba

A. Wahyudin Murhadi(1*),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract: There are several problems that many faces in achieving learning objectives, including the lack of attention to student activity and the low learning outcomes of students. This is due to the teacher still using teacher-centered learning (teacher-centered), the indication is that the teacher gives more instruction in the form of instructions (orders), while students only act as passive learning objects, it is also proven that there are still many students who do not can achieve learning outcomes in accordance with KKM when taking a daily exam or test, especially in biology subjects. Based on the results of preliminary observations made by the speakers at SMU 8 Bulukumba stated that the biology learning outcomes of students, in general, have not been satisfactory because they have not reached the KKM which is 75. Therefore, corrective action is needed to be able to improve Biology student activities and learning outcomes. One learning model that can involve active students in the learning process is the Inquiry learning model, where the learning process is oriented towards students who can stimulate students to be active in teaching and learning activities. In addition, the learning settings that encourage students to always ask questions and discuss allows students to practice communicating with others so that their social skills also improve. By using the Inquiry learning model, it is hoped that Biology students can improve their activities and learning outcomes. Keywords: Inquiry Learning Model, Activities and Learning Outcomes.

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