Eko Kuntarto(1*),

(1) Universitas Jambi
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aimed to apply diary writing as a therapy for low-assertive students. This study employed the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) method developed by Lester Luborsky. The data were collected using diary as an elicitation medium and analyzed using the Garnefski Emotion-Cognitive Regulation Questionnaire (CER). The results showed that(1) student low assertiveness could be improved through expressive writing therapy using a diary as the medium; (2) diary as a therapeutic medium was effective in improving student low assertiveness because diary writing tasks can be distinguished based on CCRT and CER; (3) there was a difference between male and female assertiveness patterns; (4) subjects in the category were easier to change towards normal assertiveness with diary writing therapy compared to subjects in the LSE category.



Keywords: diary, behavior, assertive, student

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Copyright (c) 2020 EKO KUNTARTO

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Department of Indonesian Language, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar in cooperate with Asosiasi Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (ADOBSI) and Ikatan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (IKAPROBSI).

Address: Department of Indonesian Language Office, DG Building Second Floor, UNM Parangtambung, Daeng Tata Raya Street, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia


e-ISSN 2614-2716

p-ISSN 2301-4768

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