Fenomena Phubbing Pada Mahasiswa Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar

Nur Alia Annisa K(1), Ashari Ismail(2*), Mario SM(3),

(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/prd.v5i1.51658



The goal of this research is to: 1. the motives behind phubbing behavior inSociology students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar based on Max Weber's social action perspective; and 2. the social interaction of phubbing perpetrators in Sociology students at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The data were collected by observation techniques, interviews, and documentation of phenomenological which utilize qualitative descriptive analysis. The data are determined using a purposive sampling approach. The finding proved that: 1. the students of the Sociology study program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Makassar, committed to phubbing behavior out of lifestyle and unexpectedly (traditional action), because they were bored, nervous, anxious, afraid, awkward, feeling strange if you do not check or see your cellphone and want to keep checking their cellphone (affective action) because it makes sense to phubbing because it has become comprehensible (instrumental action). 2. differences in interaction patterns may be observed in how students behave, who frequently use their smartphones when interact with friends, family, partners, and lecturers out of boredom, uneasiness, anxiety, fear, and discomfort ends in reduced in-person interaction . The pattern of interaction that develops is accommodation (self-adjustment to avoid conflict/associative), which involves a) normalizing and accepting phubbing behavior by trying to adjust to the other person and people nearby to minimize tension or conflict and create balance in social life, and b) cooperation in the form of interpersonal communication. c) Phubbing conduct detrimental effects, one of is that it can lead to disagreement, making one person feel left out.



Keywords: Phubbing; social interaction; social action

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