Perancangan Aplikasi Pengenalan Tokoh Pahlawan dan Kebudayaan Melalui Patung di Pantai Losari Makassar Berbasis Teknologi Augmented Reality (Rarha Panlos)

Risman Risman(1*), Humairah Humairah(2), Muh. Akhsan Alimuddin(3),

(1) LPM Penalaran UNM
(2) LPM Penalaran UNM
(3) LPM Penalaran UNM
(*) Corresponding Author



This study aims to produce an application based on the Augmented Reality that serves as an introduction media for hero and cultural figures that refer to existence of replica of the statue at Losari Beach Makassar. The type of this study uses Research and Development (R & D) with the Waterfall development models. The application was tested using the ISO9126 standard with 5 characteristics namely Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Portability, and Efficiency. Based on the study results, the application has fulfilled the ISO9126 standard with 100% functionality test percentage in the "accepted" category, Portability test successfully runs on all Android versions that have been tested with the "very good" category, test aspect efficiency with average CPU usage of 13 % according to Little Eye's standards of 15% and battery consumption was only 8.22%, reliability tests with white box testing was found there were no logical errors and marker identification well, and usability aspect testing obtained an average percentage of 86 eligibility, 87% with the respondent category 77.14 "Very Good", 22.86% "good".


Augmented Reality, Android, Pantai Losari

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