Diagnosa Penyakit Kulit Menggunakan Case Based-Reasoning dan Self Organizing Maps

Fhatiah Adiba(1*), Nurul Mukhlisah Abdal(2), Andi Akram Nur Risal(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/ijfs.v6i1.13967


This study aims to compare the results of the accuracy and speed of the system in diagnosing skin diseases using the case based reasoning (CBR) method with the indexing method and without using indexing. Self-organizing maps (SOM) are used as an indexing method and the process of finding similarity values uses the nearest neighbor method. Testing is done with two scenarios. The first scenario uses CBR without indexing self-organizing maps, the second scenario uses CBR with indexing self-organizing maps. The accuracy of the diagnosis of skin diseases at a threshold ≥80 for CBR without indexing self-organizing maps is 93.46% with an average retrieve time of 0.469 seconds while CBR testing using SOM indexing is 92.52% with an average retrieve time of 0.155 seconds. The results of comparison of CBR methods without using show higher results than using SOM indexing, but the process of retrieving CBR using SOM is faster than not using indexing


case based reasoning (CBR), self-organizing maps (SOM), nearest neighbor, indexing

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