Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Menggunakan Bagan Kendali Bivariat dengan Copula pada Industri Manufactur di Indonesia

Tika Endah Lestari(1*), Sri Susilawati Islam(2),

(1) Sampoerna University
(2) Sampoerna University
(*) Corresponding Author



Product quality control is an important factor for the industrial world because good quality control and carried out continuously will be able to detect abnormal production results quickly, so that anticipatory action can be taken immediately. Quality is a major factor in consumer decision making before buying goods / services. The problem that occurs at this time in manufacturing companies in Indonesia is how the statistical quality control process can be applied properly. The purpose of this statistical analysis is to find out the statistical quality control process that is applied to manufacturing companies in Indonesia using bivariate control charts with copula. Copula is a function that combines a multivariate distribution function with a uniform one-dimensional marginal distribution function, in this condition the Copula used is the Archimedean Copula group. The method used in this data collection is a simple random sampling with the sample used are three manufacturing companies in Indonesia which covers the areas of Jakarta, Bandung and Makassar. The implementation of Copula in this control chart results in Frank Copula being the best Copula, this supports that the use of Copula in the quality control process has a good role


Statistical Quality Control, Control Chart, Copula

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