Penetrasi Nelayan Tradisional Panaikang 1955-1970

Haerianty Rezky Sani(1*), Ahmadin Ahmadin(2), Amirullah Amirullah(3),

(3) Pendidikan Sejarah FIS UNM
(*) Corresponding Author



This paper discusses about the traditional fishermans penetration in the village of Panaikang subdistrict of Sinjai Timur the regency of  Sinjai (1955-1970). The result of research indicates that in 1955 the people began to looking for fish in the sea. They live in groups according to the area where they make a living. The traditional fisherman in the Panaikang village were referred to as the pa’panja because of the used of the payang (panja). Originally, traditional fishing grounds were not far from the shoreline. As it progresses to the operational terrority far enough to the Tanjung Pandang and Bangka. A single months journey with compass instructions, the position of the sun and the moon. A boat that used a Biruang boat, pagatang boat, and soppe’ bajo with oars and sails. Fishermen of 8-12 people on each boat. There are also components of a fishermans work and as well as the class of the fishermen, had payang (panja), and the sawi, who were founded on the basis of family activities. The fishing orientation is still subsisten. The economic conditions of the fishermen in the village of Panaikang were the prosperous, and this was felt by punggawa. This can be seen from the existence of a system of 50% for punggawa, the have panja and sawi gets a 25%. There were a traditional of survival by making sulo fesse when going to sea, it was a matter of catch. This study used the method historical research, namely: heuristic, criticism of the source, interpretation and historiography. Data collection methods are done by how a field research is made up of interviews (punggawa, sawi and the fishermens wife) and collect the source of the archives (Sinjai archives, documents from the village and fishing offices) and the literature related.

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