Badaruddin Anwar(1*), Hendra Jaya(2), Sabran Sabran(3),

(1) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Vocational skills are part of the concept of life skills in the school system. So far, vocational skills are mostly given to Vocational High Schools, while it is not so important for teenagers. Vocational skills in adolescents can be provided through skills lessons. Local potential-based learning can be carried out in three ways, namely integration in relevant studies, local content, and skills that are oriented towards the creation of work supported by knowledge, attitudes, skills, and products, in this case innovation in agriculture. The process of modification of rice cutting tools for the Youth of Pala'e Village, Sinjai district can be seen in the following explanation: Modification of Rice Cutting Tools: a) Preparing tools in the form of keys and tools; b) Prepare materials in the form of rice stem support designs (This is designed so that the rice stalks do not scatter); c) Prepare the material in the form of a round disc knife (specially designed for cutting rice stalks). Based on the activity, it was found that the young people of Pala'e village could use the results of their training and skills very well. This is seen through the stages in planning to produce marketable products, the ability to identify the tools to be modified. The mentoring activity carried out for the Pala'e Village youth is an effort to increase the entrepreneurial independence of the Pala'e village youth in modifying rice cutting tools that have been running optimally. Through a training process and promoting a discussion approach in identifying and helping to overcome problems faced by Palae village youth. With the role of a companion as a facilitator and motivator, it makes it easier for members of the Palae village youth group to plan their business. As a facilitator, the assistant provides various kinds of information needed and according to the needs of youth in running the business they are engaged in. As a motivator, the assistant provides a motivational boost to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in Palae village youth. By utilizing the results of skills training by members of the youth group and the role of a companion, it has an impact on the lives of youth group members, especially in business independence, this can be demonstrated by changes in attitudes and behavior such as self-confidence, courage to take risks, leadership and responsibility. Able to manage their own business, establish business partnerships and even open new job opportunities for the people around them. In addition, there is an increase in economic aspects and social status aspects. The economic increase in question is an increase in income.


Vocational Skills, agricultural tools, entrepreneurship, terassering.

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