Sutarsi Suhaeb(1*),

(1) Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



The objectives to be achieved in this Partnership Program are: (1) Teachers and students use the internet as a public communication tool that optimally supports the learning process. (2) Using moodle learning as an interactive forum for students (3) Teachers have knowledge of how to build moodle-based e-learning classes. The expected outputs from community services are: (1) 20 Teachers understand the basic concepts of e-learning so that they can go further in applying online-based computer technology. (2) 20 teachers are motivated to use e-learning as a medium for the learning process. (3) 20 Teachers can apply e-learning so that students can be active in elaborating information obtained creatively and skillfully without being limited by time and space. The results in implementing community services consist of: (1) Participants can design e-learning classes using moodle. (2) Participants are able to manage classes in the learning process using E-learning. (3) Participants already have insight into E-learning. The conclusions of this PKM activity are: (1) Participants can design e-learning classes using moodle. (2) Participants have been able to manage classes in the learning process using E-learning. (3) the results of the study are based on the results of the distributed motivation questionnaire analysis, based on the results of the participant motivation questionnaire in SMP Negeri 1 Bontonompo 1, the success rate with a high category of 10 or 100%. Whereas Based on the results of the participant's motivation questionnaire in SMP Handayani, the success rate with a high category was 9 or 90%. While the success rate is in the medium category of 1 or 10%. Therefore the suggestion from this activity is that this activity should continue to be developed and applied widely among teachers because it can help increase motivation, effectiveness and efficient learning.


E-Learning, Moodle, Learning

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