Rasa Bersalah Pada Pelaku Kekerasan Dalam Hubungan Berpacaran

Ika Amalia(1), Widyastuti Widyastuti(2*),

(1) Makassar State of University
(2) Makassar State of University
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jtm.v3i1.47460


Adults generally engage in dating relationships as a phase to get to know each other. In a dating relationship, conflict usually occurs and triggers violence if it is not supported by individual control. One of the effects of violence is the feeling of guilt in the perpetrator. Guilty feeling is an emotional condition that arises after committing wrong actions and violating existing norms. This guilt serves as an effort to prevent someone from committing acts that violate the law and morality. This study aims to determine the guilty feelings of perpetrators of dating violence. The method in this study is a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were three people aged 18-25 years old who had committed dating violence. The results of this study indicate that guilty feeling indirectly triggers repeated violence to stop. Unrationalized guilt leads the perpetrator to achieve a cognitive evaluation process that triggers regret that can stop repeated violence. In addition to cognitive evaluations, expressions of pain received by victims of violence make the perpetrator think they have done something wrong. Surrounding people such as family and friends also play a role in preventing violence by implementing good moral values.


dating relationship, guilty feeling, violence

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Fakutas Psikologi Universitas Negeri Makassar


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