Nur Rahmah(1*), Annisa Aulia Ramadhani Hidayat(2), Kasmawati Kasmawati(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Food Science and Technology Study Program, Hasanuddin University
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Browning is a chemical reaction in food ingredients that produces a bitter taste or a brownish color change. Browning is divided into two, namely enzymatic and non-enzymatic. Examples of fruits and vegetables that can brown are apples and potatoes. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of browning on fruit; nutritional content and quality of frozen fruit, as well as the effect of several browning inhibition methods on frozen fruit. The methods used in this research were total acid titration, vitamin C titration, colorimetry, and texture analyzer. The results showed that with blanching treatment and stored in the refrigerator for 4 days, the browning level was 0.0211% and 0.0391% for vitamin C content, 0.8192% and 0.2133% for total acid content, 2.71 kgf/J and 2.03 kgf/J for hardness values. , L value 56.99, a value 1.72, and b value 22.13 which produces a grayish color in the treatment without cooling and L value 58.91, a value 0.84, and b value 22.63 which produces a grayish color on cooling treatment. The conclusion obtained is that browning of frozen fruit can result in a decrease in vitamin C content and total acid content, a decrease in texture to become softer and a change in color to a more brownish color. Blanching with a denaturation process which will inhibit the activity of browning enzymes, adding Na2S2O5 and Na2HPO4 as antioxidants which can suppress the browning process


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