Leadership in the Age of Remote Work: Best Practices for Managing Virtual Teams

Bangkit Nuratri(1*), Asep Zulkifli Achmad(2), Ramadani Saputra(3),

(1) Business Administration Program, International Women University, Indonesia
(2) Business Administration Program, International Women University, Indonesia
(3) Business Administration Program, International Women University, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26858/jo.v8i2.45362


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations to switch to remote work, which has transformed the traditional leadership and management practices. Therefore, the study aimed to identify best practices for managing virtual teams in the age of remote work. To achieve this objective, the study employed a qualitative research design, where data was collected through semi-structured interviews with managers and team leaders of virtual teams. The interviews were analyzed thematically to identify common themes and patterns related to leadership in the age of remote work. The results revealed that successful leadership in virtual teams requires a shift in focus from task-oriented to people-oriented leadership. Moreover, virtual team leaders should adopt new practices such as frequent communication, trust-building, setting clear expectations, and providing timely feedback. Additionally, technology plays a vital role in managing virtual teams, as it facilitates communication and collaboration.


Leadership; Remote Work; Managing Virtual Teams

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