Semiotics Analysis of the Minister of Education and Culture’s Speech on National Teacher’s Day Celebration in 2019

Jamaluddin Gesrianto(1*), Arlin Arlin(2),

(1) Universitas Hasanuddin
(2) SMPN 4 Pare-Pare
(*) Corresponding Author



Abstract. The purpose of this research was to know the signs contained in the  Minister of Education and Culture in speech on Teacher National Celebration in 2019. The researcher used the sign trichotomy paradigm approach by Charles Sanders Pierce's semiotic analysis which focused on the idea of three-stage signification therefore gotten the object, representation, and interpretation meaning obtained from the content speech of the Minister of Education and Culture in the 2019 National Teacher's Day commemoration speech. Based on the results of the study obtained data that according to Pierce's theory, the sign in the text of Nadiem Makarim's speech found from the trichotomy of signs, namely, object (object), representament (representation), and interpretation (tafsir). The objects found from the speech analysis were: (1) the teacher's day tradition as a ceremonial, (2) curriculum implementation policies, and (3) assessment. The representation data obtained consisted of: (1) textual expressions through speeches, (2) rules that were juxtaposed with the future and administration that was juxtaposed with efforts to help students, and (3) stakeholders. While the interpretation data obtained, namely: (1) ideas originating from the anxiety of a minister of education and (2) teachers as elements in building the nation.

Keywords: semiotics, speech, sign, teacher's day

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