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Author Guidelines

Editor policies

Journal of IMED presents new ideas, developments, and innovations in mathematics education. It involves attempts to enhance teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom at all levels. It deals with educational articles from research, recent issues, and literature reviews. All paper related to mathematics education are welcome.

General requirements:

  1. The length of the article is between 3000 to 4000 words (including bibliography, notes, and tables).
  2. Attach a statement that the article has not been published yet in any other publication and in any forms.
  3. Each article will be given test of plagiarism.
  4. The article consists of 9 components:


The sections in the article does not use chapters (except for the research result and the discussion), but the indicators that the components or sections in the article stated can be seen at the first sentence in the first paragraph.

  1. The article is delivered using the following components:

Title: Maximum 12 words for article in Bahasa Indonesia. The font used is Times New Roman, 12, and bold.

The writer’s name: The writer’s name is written under the title using font Times New Roman, 10, bold, without titles, and cannot be shortened. Under the name of the writer it is written the areas of expertise, institution name, and the email address of the writer.

Abstract: no more than 200 words, written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia in one paragraph containing: The research objectives, research methodology, data analysis, and research findings. It is typed using font Times New Roman, single space.

Keyword: Maximum 5 words, separated with comma, typed using double space under the abstract. [font Times New Roman, 11, single space, italic]

Introduction: The introduction is written using capital letters [font Times New Roman, 12, bold] containing the background with a problem solving , the urgency and rationalization of activities, bibliography, solution plan, the objective of the activity, and hypothesis development. [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal]

Methodology: Research methodology explains about: the approach, scope or object, operational definition in each variable/description of research focus, place, population and sample/informant, main source and tool, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal]

Methodology: Research methodology explains about: the approach, scope or object, operational definition in each variable/description of research focus, place, population and sample/informant, main source and tool, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis. [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal]  

Findings and Discussion: The findings is presented in full and related with the scope of the research determined before. The findings can be completed with tables, graphs, and/or charts. The tables and pictures are given number and title. The result of data analysis is explained correctly in the article. The discussion part logically explains the findings, associated with the relevant sources. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]

Conclusion and Suggestion: The conclusion contains the short summary of the findings and discussion. Conclusion is the findings in the research that has the answers for the research questions or the objective of the research. The research findings give suggestions or contributions to the application and/or the study development. [Times New Roman, 11, Normal]

References: containing referenced sources with minimum 80% of books last 10 years issue. The references is written based on American Psychology Association (APA) Fifth Edition.using reference manager mendeley,



Anderson, D.W., Vault, V.D., & Dickson, C.E. 1999. Problems and Prospects for the Decades Ahead: Competency Based Teacher Education. Berkeley: McCutchan Pubishing Co.

Part of Book:

Saukah, A. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds.). 2002. Menulis Artikel untuk Jurnal Ilmiah (Edisi ke-4, cetakan ke-1). Malang: UM Press.

Article in Book:

Russel, T. 1998. An Alternative Conception: Representing Representation. Dalam P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.), Children’s Informal Ideas in Science (hlm. 62-84). London: Routledge.

Article in Journal:

Kansil, C.L. 2002. Orientasi Baru Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Program Profesional dalam Memenuhi Kebutuhan Dunia Industri. Transpor, XX (4): 57-61.

Article in Magazine:

Pitunov, B. 13 Desember, 2002. Sekolah Unggulan ataukah Sekolah Pengunggulan? Majapahit Pos, hlm. 4 & 11.

Official Documen:

Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa. 1978. Pedoman Penulisan Laporan Penelitian. Jakarta: Depdikbud.

Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 2 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. 1990. Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya.

Buku terjemahan:

Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., & Razavieh, A. 1976. Pengantar Penelitian Pendidikan. Terjemahan oleh Arief Furchan. 1982. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.

Skripsi, Tesis, Disertasi, Laporan Peneitian:

Ilham, Muhammad. 2015. Pengembangan Video Ice Breaking Sebagai Media Bimbingan Dan Konseling Dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sosial Siswa. Tesis. Tidak diterbitkan. Makassar: Program Pascasarjana UNM Makassar.

Makalah seminar, lokakarya, penataran:

Mahmud, Alimuddin. 2015. Pengembangan kualitas pribadi sosial konselor dalam membentuk generasi bangsa menuju generasi emas 2045. Makalah disajikan dalam Seminar Nasional Pendidikan dan Workshop Bimbingan dan Konseling, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, 23-24 Maret 2015.

Internet (karya individual):

Hitchcock, S., Carr, L., & Hall, W. 1996. A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm, (Online), (, diakses 12 Juni 1996.

Internet (artikel dalam jurnal online):

Halim. 1998. Pengukuran Bekal Awal Belajar dan Pengembangan Tesnya. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan. (Online), Jilid 5, No. 4, (, diakses 20 Januari 2014.

Internet (bahan diskusi):

Wilson, D. 20 November 1995. Summary of Citing Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online), ([email protected]), diakses 22 November 2014.

Internet (e-mail pribadi):

Naga, D.S. ([email protected]). 1 Oktober 1997. Artikel untuk JIP. E-mail kepada Ali Saukah ([email protected]).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Never been published in other journals
  2. Themes related to interesting issues, as well as literature review on mathematics education
  3. The writing may be in English or Indonesian, where the abstract is completed in English and Indonesian
  4. Manuscript format: Title (maximum 15 words) in English; Abstract (maximum 150 words) and keywords (Abstract and keywords include English and Indonesian); Preliminary; Content (research methods, results, and discussion); Closing (conclusions, recommendations, and/or suggestions); Bibliography (book libraries are written in the following format: author, year of publication. Title: subtitle. Place of publication: publisher; journal libraries are written according to the format: author, year published. Title of article. Journal and edition, page of writing; other libraries are written according to journal other national or international sciences). We recommend that a minimum of 5 registered libraries with at least one of them is an international library and the last 5 years
  5. Typing format: Space: one, Font: times new roman, font-size: 12, A4 paper size, 6 - 10 pages including bibliography and attachments (if any). One-column format: titles, abstracts, pictures, and tables (pictures and tables in one column if they don't fit in two). A two-column format for all contents (Introduction to bibliography)
  6. Paper submitted in Doc/Docx format
  7. Paper has been adapted to the template
  8. All sources listed in the manuscript are listed in the bibliography, and vice versa, all sources listed in the bibliography must be referred to in the manuscript
  9. Does not contain elements of plagiarism

Copyright Notice

By submitting the article/manuscript of the article, the author(s) agree with this policy. No specific document sign-off is required.

1. License

The article will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution license as currently displayed on Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

2. Author(s)' Warranties

The author warrants that the article is original, written by the stated author(s), has not been published before, contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the author and free of any third party rights, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author(s).

3. User Rights

IMED's spirit is to disseminate articles published are as free as possible. Under the Creative Commons license, IMED permits users to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. Users will also need to attribute authors and IMED on distributing works in the journal and other media of publications.

4. Rights of Authors

Authors retain all their rights to the published works, such as (but not limited to) the following rights;

  • Copyright and other proprietary rights relating to the article, such as patent rights,
  • The right to use the substance of the article in own future works, including lectures and books,
  • The right to reproduce the article for its own purposes,
  • The right to self-archive the article,
  • The right to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article's published version (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.

5. Co-Authorship

If the article was jointly prepared by more than one author, any authors submitting the manuscript warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors to be agreed on this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this policy. IMED will not be held liable for anything that may arise due to the author(s) internal dispute. IMED will only communicate with the corresponding author.

6. Royalties

Being an open accessed journal and disseminating articles for free under the Creative Commons license term mentioned, author(s) aware that IMED entitles the author(s) to no royalties or other fees. 

7. Miscellaneous

IMED will publish the article (or have it published) in the journal if the article’s editorial process is successfully completed. IMED's editors may modify the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, referencing and usage that deems appropriate. The author acknowledges that the article may be published so that it will be publicly accessible and such access will be free of charge for the readers as mentioned in point 3.


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.