The Value of Leadership Tolok Rumpakna Bone: Transliteration and Translation of Muhammad Rapi Tang and their Relevance to Learning Local Languanges in Schools

Marini Rahmasari(1*), Syamsudduha Syamsudduha(2), A. Agussalim Aj.(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Mahassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Mahassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Mahassar
(*) Corresponding Author



Abstract. The study program of Language education and local literature. Language and Indonesia literature department, Faculty of language and literature. State University of Makassar. (guided by Syamsudduha and Andi Agussalim Aj.). The aim of this study is to describe the value of character leadership Tolok Rumpakna Bone of transliteration and translation in Bugis. Type and design of this study is a description qualitative. The data in this study are written data in the form of quotations containing the values leadership Tolok Rumpakna Bone Traniteration and Translation of Muhammad Rapi Tang. The techniques used to obtain the data in this study include documentation technique, reading technique, and note-writing technique. Technique used to analuze data, namely identification, classification, analysis and description of data. The study has found eight form of value of character leadership Tolok Rumpakna Bone of transliteration and translation Muhammad Rapi Tang those are the vaue of honesty, hard work, religious, intelligence, courage, propriety, shame, firmness.


Keywords: Value Leadership, Tolok Rumpakna Bone, Character, and relevance to the local language

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