Description of Understanding Ability in Mathematics Concepts of Fraction in Second Grade Junior High School

Nur Azizah Rezki Putri(1*), Alimuddin Alimuddin(2), Nurwati Djam’an(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This study aims to determine the abilities to understand students' mathematical concepts in fractional. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects were selected based on data on students' concept comprehension ability and recommendations from mathematics teachers with one high-ability student, one medium-ability student, and one low-ability student. The instruments used in this study were a concept understanding test and interview guidelines. The results showed that students who had high abilities met the four indicators of understanding concepts in fractional, namely being able to interpret images and state in the form of fractions (interpreting), able to give examples in the form of images (exemplifying), able to classify types of fractions (classifying) and able to compare fractions. Students who have moderate abilities fulfill four indicators of understanding mathematical concepts in fractional material, namely being able to interpret images and state in the form of fractions (interpreting), able to give examples of fractions in the form of images (exemplifying), able to classify the types of fractions (classifying) and able to compare fraction (comparing). Meanwhile, students with low abilities only fulfill two indicators of understanding mathematical concepts in fractional material, namely being able to interpret images and express in fractions (interpreting) and giving examples of fractions in the form of images (exemplifying).

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