Student Reception of the Environment in the Online Short Story of the News Paper Kedaulatan Rakyat of the Tree House by Yogi Dwi Pradana

Anshari Anshari(1), Juanda Juanda(2*),

(*) Corresponding Author


Environmental phenomena such as damage require handling for its preservation. Students, as short story readers, can apply the themes and mandates of environmental short stories that have been written by the author in everyday life because they have various educational values. This study aimed to explore environmental phenomena, educational values, and student perceptions in the short story "Tree House." This research is qualitative. The method used in data collection is the method of documentation and questionnaires. The research subjects are postgraduate students of the 2020/2021 class at Makassar State University. The object of research is students' responses as readers of short stories and environmental phenomena. The data of this research are words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs or dialogues of characters or authors' narratives related to environmental phenomena and student responses as short story readers. The data source comes from the short story "Tree House" by Yogi Pradana, published by the online newspaper Kedaulatan Rakyat, on February 4, 2022, on the web Analysis of reader reception data from a questionnaire consisting of several variables, namely narration or dialogue related to environmental aspects, using the NVivo 12 Plus application. The research findings are environmental phenomena in the short story: forests/trees and settlements. The educational value of short stories: handling environmental damage, caring for the environment, and forest conservation by planting a thousand trees. Readers generally accept and respond positively to the short story House Tree because of rampant illegal logging and its impact on the movement of planting a thousand trees.

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