Students' Creative Thinking Ability in Solving Mathematics Problems Based On Gender

Nur Asrawati(1*), Baso Intang(2), Nurwati Djam’an(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


This qualitative research aims to describe students' creative thinking ability in solving math problems in terms of gender. The instruments used are tests and interviews. The research subject is distinguished by gender selected based on the daily score and the final test score. It consists of four students: one male and one female student with high achievement, one male and one female with low achievement. Based on the result of observation on the four selected subjects, it was obtained that (1) male and female high-achievement students get the same score in solving math problems. In addition, indicators of creative ability, which can be seen from the answer sheets in solving these problems and interviews, are the same in the creative category (2) for low achievement students, males and females earn different scores; however, indicators of creative are classified in not creative category ability. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that in this study, gender does not affect students' creative thinking skills in solving math problems.

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