The Importance of ESP Materials (English For Specific Purposes) Specialization on Sport in EnglishCourses

Rahmad Risan(1*), Reza Mahyuddin(2), Hasriani G(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(3) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. In higher education, the English material that is given or taught must be correlated according to the student's interest or field of knowledge. Therefore, the material for student is important to be the focus of attention. Besides that, the student's perspective regarding the English language material is taught by the lecturer also an important point to know. Sometimes students still find obstacles in learning English, especially in learning English specifically or in scientific terms it is called "ESP (English for Specific Purposes)". This research is a qualitative research. The data collected through questionnaires and interviews with research subjects. After that, the data was analyzed qualitatively in describing the phenomena that occur in the field during the implementation of the research. The subjects of this study were students in semester VI (six) of the Sports Coaching Education Study Program, Faculty of Sports Science, State University of Makassar, consisting of classes A, B, C, and D. The results showed that the application of sports specific materials provided many benefits to students. as follows: Improve communication skills in using English, understanding sports terms, access to references about sports, implementation of sports practices, sports competition requirements, educational / teaching processes. Based on the research results, the authors suggest: as an educator, a lecturer should be can pay attention to the importance of providing material related to student disciplines so that the objectives of learning outcomes and learning outcomes of study program graduates can be achieved and are always well synchronized; the head of the study program always monitors the process of preparing the learning tools made by each educator so that the material provided is in accordance with the needs of students and the achievement of the profile of the study program graduates.



Keywords: Student perspectives, english language materials, sports

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