Video-Based Learning: Using Technology to Increase Student Mathematics Learning Results

Usman Mulbar(1*), Rahmadani Rahmadani(2),

(1) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(2) Universitas Negeri Makassar
(*) Corresponding Author


Abstract. Video-based learning is a widely-accepted e-learning trend and it is gaining momentum, but it still lacks use in learning. This paper aims to know whether by paying attention to student pre-knowledge, there are differences students’ mathematics learning result between student who take lessons with using video-based learning on scientific approach and  student who take lessons without using video-based learning on scientific approach. This research is a quasi-experimental research which involves two groups in the different treatment. Two classes of experimental unit were randomly chosen in one of senior high schools in Makassar, Indonesia. The analysis technic used are descriptive and inferential statistics. The result of data analysis shows that by paying attention to student pre-knowledge, there is significant different between the students’ mathematics learning result who has learned by using video-based learning on scientific approach with the students’ mathematics learning result who has learned by not using video-based learning on scientific approach. So, we can be concluded that using video-based learning on scientific approach gives an effect against student learning results.



Keywords: Video-based learning, technology, mathematics, learning


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